Delegate Disenfranchisement Puts Sixth District Convention Under Appeal

The 6th Congressional District Republican Convention that is scheduled for Saturday is officially under appeal.

On Friday, Dan Cullers, chairman of the Rockingham County Republican Committee, filed the appeal to the 6th District Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, the General Counsel of RPV, and the State Central Committee of RPV.

Included were 32 signatures of 6th District Republican Party members/convention delegates.

The appeal alleges several main points:

1. Campaigns suppressing participation with false information.
2. Attempted suppression of Rockbridge delegation.
3. Conflicts of interest.
4. Confusing appeals process.
5. Burdensome appeals requirements.
6. Illegal dissolution and reconstitution of Augusta unit.
7. Other issues not yet reported.

The purpose of the appeal is to allow full participation in the convention by disenfranchised delegates who meet the qualifications of Article I of the Party Plan. It also asks that the appeal be acted on before Saturday’s convention in support of a fair and compliant process.

Background on the 6th District Convention controversy….

Concerns for the 6th District
How to Turn Virginia’s 6th Congressional District Into a Farce
RPV Bombarded With Complaints from 6th District Convention Delegates
Rhetoric Heats Up in 6th District
RPV Chairman Whitbeck Reverses Unprecedented 6th District Convention Rules
Does Metadata Prove Dunbar’s Campaign Lied About Delegate Lists?
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Financial Ties With Dunbar Prompt Call for Chairman Sayre’s Resignation
Cynthia Dunbar Paid Friends & Endorsers Nearly Half of District GOP Budget
Brown Calls Sayre Ineffective, Using Stall Tactics; Again Calls for His Resignation
GOP Official Alleges Dunbar Campaign Violated Party Rules
6th District Plurality Vote Tossed by SCC … Will Be Voted on at Convention
Nominating Process Excludes Too Many Voters
6th District Congressional Candidates Outraged at Lack of Transparency
Storrs: Response to Letter From 6th District Committee Members
Brown: Questions Continue in 6th District as Delegate Lists Withheld from Candidates
Ben Cline Calls Out the ‘Rigging of the 6th District Convention’
Lynchburg GOP Chair Protests 6th District Republican Committee Vote
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Chaz Haywood Officially in Race for 6th Congressional District Seat
Sixth District GOP Forum Grades: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Convention, or Silenced Majority

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