Is Voter Intimidation on the Rise?
How would you feel if your personal information was distributed to a newspaper because you signed a petition regarding a controversial issue? You would probably feel violated and feel threatened by groups who may vehemently disagree with the specific issue.
ObamaCare and Virginia: The Impact on Businesses and the Economy
It has been two years since President Barack Obama’s health care plan (i.e., Obamacare) became law. What can the Commonwealth…
Liberal MSNBC Analyst Hurt By Santorum Vote
The election night results from Alabama and Mississippi came as a surprise to many last night, as Rick Santorum was declared victorious. With Santorum’s victory in both states, this did not stop the liberal analysts over at MSNBC from foaming at the mouth over this choice.
Tim Kaine Silent on Virginia Budget
Senate Democrats in Richmond have decided to put power before the people and refuse to pass a budget. Not because…
Hypocrisy at the Gas Pump
Are you paying more for gas than you were four years ago? The answer should be a yes, unless you prefer to bike or walk everywhere.
Susan G. Komen Foundation Pulls Planned Parenthood Funding
In business, there are times when you need to look over a budget carefully and decide whether or not you can give grants to certain organizations. Sometimes, it is feasible and other times, it is not quite possible to make grants to other organizations.
Mark Plotkin Out at WTOP
For those in Northern Virginia, if you listened to WTOP on Fridays, you would typically hear Mark Plotkin’s Friday Politics Program. This program would often feature Plotkin’s interviews with various local politicians and candidates about the issues facing the area. It was a great program, even if Plotkin’s politics were liberal leaning.
1,000 Days Later…Where’s the Budget?
Well, it is hard to believe that it has been 1,000 days since Senate Democrats have passed a budget. Wow, I could think of other things that took place faster, like Kim Kardashian’s marriage tanking (sorry for the reference, but someone had to say it) or Lewis & Clark’s travels to discover the West. You should check out this video on other things that happened in less than a 1,000 days.
ODU Approves Campus Gun Ban
Old Dominion University’s Board of Visitors has approved a ban on everyone (except law enforcement officers) from bringing a gun on…
Virginia Implements Economic and Financial Literacy Course
With millions of consumers resorting to using credit cards, it is no wonder why our economy is suffering. Yes, it…