In business, there are times when you need to look over a budget carefully and decide whether or not you can give grants to certain organizations. Sometimes, it is feasible and other times, it is not quite possible to make grants to other organizations.
Yesterday, news broke that Susan G. Komen Foundation was not giving grants to Planned Parenthood. It was a move to strengthen their granting process and free up money for services to help women, who might not have access to care. According to a statement from Susan G. Komen Foundation’s Founder and CEO Ambassador Nancy Brinker, the decision to stop funding Planned Parenthood was based in part to a strategy that was meant to safeguard donor dollars, and it was not based on politics.
Since the decision was made, there has been backlash from many who support Planned Parenthood and feel the decision was made for political reasons. Planned Parenthood has been under scrutiny and investigation for their organization’s practices, involving abortions. Supporters of Planned Parenthood have been attacking Susan G. Komen on their Facebook page and on social media outlets, such as Twitter. There has been a surge in donations to Planned Parenthood in response to the decision.
The Susan G. Komen Foundation made the best decision for the future of their organization. If anything, perhaps they realize that the Congressional investigation into Planned Parenthood’s practices might harm their reputation. It is also pretty bad, considering that an undercover investigation discovered that a majority of their clinics do not offer mammograms. A Susan G. Komen Foundation donor (and potential donors) might want to know how Planned Parenthood used the money. There is no doubt that this had to be a factor in the decision to eliminate the grants.
Cross posted at Crystal Clear Conservative