Liberal MSNBC Analyst Hurt By Santorum Vote

The election night results from Alabama and Mississippi came as a surprise to many last night, as Rick Santorum was declared victorious. With Santorum’s victory in both states, this did not stop the liberal analysts over at MSNBC from foaming at the mouth over this choice. One analyst, in particular, was quite disappointed and hurt by women in these two states for supporting Santorum over the other candidates (Gingrich, Romney, and Paul). Below are Karen Finney’s remarks from “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell:”

Well… This woman vote really hurts me, I gotta say. (snickering) It’s a little painful ’cause I’m wondering if those women really heard the full message that: Yes, there is the economy, but if you’ve gotta worry about your basic health care, how are you then gonna be able to do what you need to do in terms of having a job, paying your rent, taking care of your kids. (Source)

Finney’s comments were focused on “basic health care,” and there is no doubt that this can be pointed towards President Obama’s own health care plan that will cover contraceptives. After all, Santorum has been outspoken on traditional family values and is against the Obama Administration’s efforts to mandate the coverage of contraceptives with the health care plan. This goes against Finney’s views that “basic health care” should be a top priority.

Finney somehow thinks that the women who voted in yesterday’s primaries in Alabama and Mississippi were influenced by race or conservative values. Well, it is obvious that these are conservative states and race had nothing to do with last night’s results. Many of those who voted in the primaries do not believe the government should be paying for contraceptives. After all, it is not the government’s responsibility to cover contraceptives, and if they do this, then you will start seeing more government control over every aspect of health care (including what you eat, etc.).

Since Finney implied that women are more focused on “basic health care,” the exit polls taken from both states yesterday show that the electorate is more concerned about the economy as their top issue. With unemployment being at 8.3 percent in Alabama and 9.9 percent in Mississippi, there is no doubt that the economy is still struggling and on the minds of voters in these states and across the country.

Finney’s comments deserve due criticism, and for her to assume that female voters are more concerned about contraceptives is a slap in the face. As a female voter, I am more focused on electing a leader who wants to work hard to boost our economy, put more people back to work, and address the energy crisis we are currently facing. There is no doubt that other female voters feel the same way as well.

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