Monmouth University Poll: Virginia Gubernatorial Race Is Tied

Monmouth University released the third political poll on Tuesday with results that show the Virginia gubernatorial race is in a statistical tie but also shows Republican Ed Gillespie ahead of Democrat Ralph Northam by one percentage point.

The tightening may have occurred in just the past few days and, with three weeks to go until the election, that movement could be significant if future polls show a trend in Gillespie’s favor. The Monmouth poll was taken October 12-16, while the CNU Wason poll was taken October 9-13, and the Roanoke College poll was taken October 8-13.

Ed Gillespie (R): 48 percent
Ralph Northam (D): 47 percent
Cliff Hyra (L): 3 percent
Undecided: 3 percent
Margin of error: +/- 4.9 percent

Gillespie’s old boss, former President George W. Bush, was in Richmond Monday at a fundraiser in downtown Richmond that turned out a solid Gillespie crowd of business people and Bush supporters.

Check out the Monmouth University Poll to dig into the crosstabs.

Election day is November 7.

Cover photo from Ed Gillespie Facebook page

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