Election 2016: The Opportunity of a Lifetime
The Second American Revolution has arrived. And with it, the opportunity of a lifetime. On a surreal election night that…
A Second American Revolution?
There is a common misperception among the American people, especially as they have been subjected to the steady and relentless…
The Open and Shut Case Against Hillary Clinton
The American people are poised to reject Hillary Clinton at the polls.
Useful Idiots, Circa 2016
The term “useful idiot” was coined during the Cold War, but it’s time we looked at a redefinition.
Should Bernie Hold or Fold?
Is it time for Bernie Sanders to quit the Presidential race?
R.I.P. John Taylor, Virginia’s “Godfather of Liberty”
Tim Donner remembers Virginia liberty icon John Taylor.
Trump’s Greatest Obstacle: His Own Party
Long ago and far away, Republicans, conservatives and libertarians were united in one singular goal for the 2016 election. Beat…
Trump: A Moderately Respectful and Contempt-free Defense of His Candidacy and Supporters
As seemingly the only man standing at BD willing to offer a defense of the Donald Trump candidacy, and his…
Trump on 9/11: Unhinged or Shrewd?
Donald Trump has made a living off insulting/plain spoken/inflammatory rhetoric from the moment he announced his candidacy. And so there…
Fox News Unmasked
After FNC’s ridiculously unprofessional press release, nobody can blame Trump for not participating.