The Backbone Of The Republican Party In Virginia
In 2009 Tucker Watkins and I had a brainstorming session at my house…
Clyde’s Christmas Blues
Curing Clyde’s Christmas Blues
A Typical Day At Foley Manor
It’s just like an exercise regimen, I suppose. I’ve never had an exercise regimen, but I have known some guys…
Ignorance And Enlightenment
Or ‘Fear and Loathing On Martinsville City Council’
UPDATED, 4-25-13 at 4:23 pm. (new video and phone interview audio)
UPDATED again. 4-2714 at 12:41 pm.
A Matter Of Life Or Death
Reminds me of an old George Seinfeld routine. Or maybe Jerry Carlin. One of ’em anyway said, ‘Ya know how you sometimes hear people say poor old Alfred. Died suddenly the other day. Well, don’t we all? Ya know, you’re alive…you’re alive…you’re alive…you’re dead.
Amateur Day On The 16th HoD Campaign Trail.
Mr. Bowman, get yourself a professional campaign manager. Do what he says. Learn stuff. Until then you are not qualified to spend my tax money.
Don Quixote Thought He Had An Impossible Dream
The basic mechanics of electric power generation has been around for thousands of years. Historical accounts vary, but the Persians…
Gay Marriage Is Back In The News Again
Consider this. A local pub’s clientele is not my government’s business. A workplace romance is not my government’s business. Why should Ralph and Bill’s relationship be the government’s business? Or Bob and Alice’s for that matter?
Clyde’s Memory Of A Short Easter Sermon
I stopped in at Clyde’s for lunch after church today, we both arrived at about the same time. He pulled…
The Empty Tomb
Consider this your Easter Sunrise Bible reading moment.