Rep. Abigail Spanberger Makes It Official: She’s Running for Governor

Bearing Drift content partner Bill Bolling had a Sunday night post about Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger’s decision not to run for reelection to the U.S. House of Representatives and her not-so-secret desire to run for Governor of Virginia (Bolling: Rep. Abigail Spanberger May Be On the Verge of Entering Gubernatorial Race).

Monday morning Rep. Spanberger made it official with a video announcement across all social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter/X.

“I’m officially running to become the next Governor of Virginia.

“I’m a former CIA case officer, former federal agent, current Member of Congress, and mom to three great kids. I know that when we rise above the chaos and division, we can focus on what matters most to Virginians.”

Ms. Spanberger, who represents the Seventh Congressional District, grew up in Virginia, lives in Virginia, and is raising her family in Virginia. If she were to win the 2025 race, it would break the glass ceiling since the Commonwealth has never had a woman governor.

Stay tuned as this story unfolds….

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