Bolling: Rep. Abigail Spanberger May Be On the Verge of Entering Gubernatorial Race

It looks like another prominent Democrat, Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-07), plans to throw her hat into the 2025 gubernatorial contest: Spanberger won’t seek reelection, will run for Va. governor, sources say (Washington Post).

IMO, Spanberger is a much more credible Democratic candidate than Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney.

Spanberger has always impressed me as a very smart political leader who has a great personal story. In her past campaigns she has run some of the best biographical ads I have seen. In fact, I use them in many of my classes to show my students how a biographical ad can portray a candidate in a positive and compelling manner.

She is more center left than Stoney, which could be a challenge for her in a Democratic primary, but if she is the Democratic nominee, she would be hard to beat.

To me, Stoney is a non-starter. On the other hand, Spanberger is someone to watch.

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