Fletcher: Day 2 – Old Man Bucket List Road Trip

[Editor’s note: Content partner Mike Fletcher is off on a road trip and Bearing Drift is going along for the ride. Be sure to check back frequently for his updates over the next two weeks.]

Saturday, August 19, 2023….

Where it all began. In 1977, Scott Janney and I met on the campus of Asbury College (now University) where we soon became friends.

In the summer of 1978, we went on summer tour with Future Hope, a nine-member ministry team that toured churches and camp meetings throughout the east. Our friendship grew and has remained strong over the decades.

We leave from Wilmore and head west on our bucket list tour. #thereandbackagain #grandcanyon #2023

See also….

Day 1 – Old Man Bucket List Road Trip
Day 2

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