Welcome Back to Richmond

The city comes alive every year during session. I remember working in Capitol Square in my 20s and the place was a beehive of activity when Virginia’s lawmakers converged on the Capitol and surrounding areas.

Those were the days when you could shortcut through the Capitol that was designed by Thomas Jefferson on your walk to downtown shopping on your lunch hour. An unsettled world in the years since took care of that little habit for Capitol Square state workers.

Walking in the footsteps of Virginia’s — and America’s — founders had me in awe, always. I never tired of the history, the famous statues, and historic buildings. Sometimes we would slip into the gallery to observe legislation at work. That was in the tumultuous 1970s when state Senator Douglas Wilder walked the hallways — history in the making. I sometimes found myself jostled in the same crowded walkways with him and, though he didn’t know who I was, I never forgot who he was as he rose in Commonwealth politics.

I saw politics in those days through the eyes of youth and optimism.

Nothing short of drama has led up to this year’s opening: recounts, lawsuits, court rulings, even drawing names out of a bowl. The final result was a Republican majority in the House of Delegates, by a hair. With only a one-vote advantage, things will surely run differently than in the past.

As lawmakers and support staff began arriving in the city, attending meetings and settling in for two months away from home, the outgoing Speaker William Howell ended up in the hospital in an emergency situation where he recuperates as session convenes. I certainly wish him all the best for a speedy and complete recovery so he can enjoy that blessedly glorious life that comes after politics.

On Saturday Virginia will see the inauguration of our 73rd governor, Ralph Northam. I may not agree with him on all things political — I don’t agree with anyone on all things political — but can we agree that he is a good man, and carry out civil discussions about the best direction for the Commonwealth?

The traditional Commonwealth Prayer Breakfast will kick off Wednesday’s activities as Virginia’s General Assembly 2018 is now moving into action to be entered into the history books.

Welcome to the capital city.

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