2018 General Assembly Kickoff: Commonwealth Prayer Breakfast

Legislators, lobbyists, pastors, families, and activists will attend the kickoff to the 2018 Virginia General Assembly on Wednesday, January 10 — the 52nd Annual Commonwealth Prayer Breakfast that has been held on the opening day for more than half a century.

Governor Terry McAuliffe will address those attending, his last address as Governor before turning the reins of leadership over to Governor-elect Ralph Northam at Saturday’s inauguration.

The featured speaker this year is Eric Manning, Senior Pastor of Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, S.C., the site of the terrible massacre in 2015 that showed the forgiveness of the congregation in the aftermath of the tragedy. On June 17, 2015, nine people were shot and killed inside the church resulting in the arrest of Dylann Roof, a 21-year-old white male who reportedly left a manifesto detailing his racist views, according to authorities.

Pastor Manning will deliver a message of hope and reconciliation in these troubled times. Music will feature Urban Doxology, an acclaimed group of talented artists in Richmond who are dedicated to racial reconciliation.

The breakfast is always well attended, a sold-out event each year at the Richmond Convention Center.
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