Court Ruling Upholds Tie in HOD-94, Winner To Be Drawn By Lots

In his tweet last week, James Alcorn, chairman of the State Board of Elections, said that, barring the court intervening, the 94th House of Delegates District would be decided by a drawing of names on Thursday.

On Wednesday, the court upheld its previous ruling making the contest between Democrat Shelly Simonds and Republican incumbent Del. David Yancey a tie. Therefore, a name will be drawn out of a bowl Thursday morning at 11:00.

Power in the General Assembly, set to convene on Wednesday, January 10, will depend on which name is drawn. If the Republican prevails, the GOP will have a slight edge in the House. If the Democrat prevails, Republicans will be sharing power with Democrats.


Court record – January 3, 2018

Virginia: 50-50

Court Rules Extra GOP Vote Counts, HOD-94 Now Tied

The Son of Hanging Chad: An Honest Look at What Happens Next

SBE to Choose HOD-94 After New Year’s

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