Santorum unmasked

Rick Santorum has now seemingly employed a two-prong strategy in his effort to secure the Republican presidential nomination, or more precisely, deny Mitt Romney the nomination and extend the convention past the first ballot.

Part 1: Escalating and scatter shot attacks on Romney (even accusing Romney of pandering for telling Puerto Ricans it is OK for them to speak Spanish)

Part 2: Asserting that he, not Romney, is the real conservative.

But there are now serious problems with both of those claims, as revealed in old footage of the former Senator.

The first, embedded in a Romney ad, is of Santorum endorsing Romney in 2008 AND calling him a conservative. If you want a conservative as the nominee of this party, you must vote for Mitt Romney

The second reveals Santorum’s view that big government isn’t such a bad thing.

In the end, this paints Santorum clearly as a true political operator, big government conservative and a creature of Washington.

While these characteristics are hardly unique to Santorum, these revelations completely undermine his fundamental argument against the Republican front runner.

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