Should we blame the Left for the threats to Eric Cantor and his family?

The RTD’s Bart Hinkle is at his bloggy best in this post contrasting the Left’s reflexive blaming of violent tea party rhetoric for the shooting of Rep. Gabriele Giffords and their deafening silence regarding the violent threats to Eric Cantor and his family. Take it away, Mr. Hinkle:

…I haven’t seen anyone suggest that the guilty parties were motivated by the vituperative rhetoric directed at Cantor by the left.

What vituperative rhetoric? Oh, just the accusations that he is a traitor who is “trying to stop the U.S. government in its tracks,” a “callous” pol who engages in “political hostage-taking with lives and livelihoods in the balance,” a rich guy who hates ordinary people, not to mention an unethical crook who “uses insider info to make money” … and let’s not even get into the vile anti-semitic rants out there …

Go read it all. And pay particular attention to the screen shot of a Google search Bart did using the terms “Eric Cantor je.” The terms Google suggested to complete the search are eye-opening.

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