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Should we blame the Left for the threats to Eric Cantor and his family?

The RTD’s Bart Hinkle is at his bloggy best in this post [1] contrasting the Left’s reflexive blaming of violent tea party rhetoric for the shooting of Rep. Gabriele Giffords and their deafening silence regarding the violent threats [2] to Eric Cantor and his family. Take it away, Mr. Hinkle:

…I haven’t seen anyone suggest that the guilty parties were motivated by the vituperative rhetoric directed at Cantor by the left.

What vituperative rhetoric? Oh, just the accusations that he is a traitor [3] who is “trying to stop the U.S. government in its tracks [4],” a “callous [5]” pol who engages in “political hostage-taking with lives and livelihoods in the balance [6],” a rich guy who hates ordinary people [7], not to mention an unethical [8] crook who “uses insider info to make money [9]” … and let’s not even get into the vile anti-semitic rants out there …

Go read it all. And pay particular attention to the screen shot of a Google search Bart did using the terms “Eric Cantor je.” The terms Google suggested to complete the search are eye-opening.