Keystone Polish-American Leaders Back Harris

The war in Ukraine – and in particular, the Republican Party’s  increasing willingness influence to let Vladimir Purin win it – had its first major domestic political consequence (The Keystone).

Members of Pennsylvania’s Polish community penned a letter endorsing Kamala Harris after Harris, at the debate earlier this month, warned that Donald Trump would allow Russia to invade Poland once the war in Ukraine is finished under a Trump administration.

“Vice President Harris has a long, strong track record of protecting our democracy here at home and standing up for our brothers, sisters, parents and grandparents in Poland – the same people Vladimir Putin hopes to attack next if Ukraine were to fall,” the letter read.

Polish-Americans know better than to treat Russia with kid gloves. In looking for a candidate that understands that reality, they noticed the same thing I did.

Vice President Harris is literally the only candidate (major or well-known minor) that supports NATO and Ukraine’s fight to defend itself. That’s it. That’s the list. For that reason, I do endorse and will vote for her for president.

There are 800,000 Pennsylvanians of Polish descent. We will see what impact they have over the next six weeks.

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