Bolling: Convention Whiplash

Watching the first two nights of the Republican National Convention has given me whiplash.

There have been some very good speeches, given by some very responsible Republican leaders.  Unfortunately, they have been sandwiched between speeches given by some real ideological extremists.

And I was totally mystified by the decision to let the president of the international Teamsters union give a prime time speech bashing traditional Republican business constituencies.

One thing is clear. The Republican Party as we once knew it is gone. The party of Ronald Reagan no longer exists.

The GOP has been totally restructured in the image of Donald Trump and MAGA. The focus is now on nationalism, isolationism, and populism.

Some will see these changes as positive, while others will see them as negative. But political parties change over time, and the Republican Party has undergone a major transformation.

I can’t wait to see what aberrations the next two nights bring.

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