Bolling: Memories of Trout Fishing With Dad

When I was growing up, my dad used to take me trout fishing on the Williams River in Pocahontas County, West Virginia.

We went there every year, sometimes twice a year, until Dad was no longer able to make the trips. I even went back several times on my own after he was gone. We spent a lot of time on the Williams River, and I have many great memories about those trips.

I haven’t been back to the Williams River in years, but I found a little cabin on VRBO that is very near there, and Jean Ann and I will be spending the next several days in relative isolation at this place. I’m really looking forward to it. I’ll do some trout fishing, we’ll take a few hikes and have some picnic lunches by the river, and we’ll probably roast some marshmallows on the campfire.

We all have memories from our youth, and it is good to reconnect with them from time to time. This is a special place for me.

How about you? Do you have any special places from your youth that you would like to revisit? Do it now, while you can! Time waits for no one.

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