Augusta County Historical Society: The Longest Day – June 6, 1944

Augusta County’s Historical Society will commemorate the 80th anniversary of World War II’s D-Day on Thursday, May 16, at 7:00pm. The program, presented by retired General Ted Shuey, will be held in the Frontier Culture Museum’s Dairy Barn meeting room in Staunton.

Shuey is an author, historian, and former commander of the 29th Infantry Division – the unit that received the highest per capita casualties in the county on June 6, 1944. He has written two books about World War II.

The program is sponsored by the Augusta County Historical Society, Frontier Culture Museum, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library, and the Stonewall Brigade Museum. More information is available on the Facebook page.

The Augusta County Historical Society was founded in 1964 and is dedicated to sharing and preserving the county’s history with others. More information can be found at their website and Instagram.

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