Bolling: AI Provides Opportunity To Again Hear Randy Travis Sing

Honestly, I’m not a big music fan, but when I do listen to music, I prefer country music – the older style, or what I call “real country music.”

One of the most distinctive voices in country music was that of Randy Travis. Unfortunately, Travis had a stroke several years ago and can now barely talk, nonetheless sing. It was a tragic story.

But last week Randy Travis released a new song, thanks to AI. Here’s a news story about it from CBS Sunday Morning: More than a decade after a stroke, Randy Travis sings again, courtesy of AI.

You can even listen to the new song here. The lyrics are new, but the voice track comes from songs Travis recorded in years gone by. It’s amazing!

AI, like any new technology, can be used for good or bad, but this is definitely one of its better uses. It’s good to hear Randy Travis sing again.

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