New Poll: Joe Biden #14 Best President Out of 46; Trump Comes in Last at #46

President Joe Biden came in at #14 of the 46 American presidents who were ranked by historians who looked at a number of factors to determine the list.

Donald Trump came in last – #46 out of 46.

From reporter Peter Baker with the New York Times (Poll of historians ranks Biden 14th best president, Trump worst):

A new poll of historians coming out on Presidents Day weekend ranks Biden as the 14th-best president in American history, just ahead of Woodrow Wilson, Ronald Reagan and Ulysses S. Grant. While that may not get Biden a spot on Mount Rushmore, it certainly puts him well ahead of Trump, who places dead last as the worst president in the nation’s history. Indeed, Biden may owe his place in the top third in part to Trump. Although he has claims to a historical legacy by managing the end of the COVID pandemic; rebuilding the nation’s roads, bridges and other infrastructure; and leading an international coalition against Russian aggression, Biden’s signature accomplishment, according to the historians, was evicting Trump from the Oval Office.

The assessment offers a peek into how history will look at the current time in America.

Read more here.

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