Special Election Set for 48th House District

“Although I have been elected to continue serving as Delegate for the new 48th House District in the next session, I will decline to accept the oath of office to be seated with that General Assembly so that I may make myself available for another position of service.” -Del. Les Adams (R-48th HOD District)

On Tuesday, Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced a special election after the announced resignation on Jan. 9, 2024, of Del. Les Adams:

Governor Glenn Youngkin today issued a writ of election, calling a special election in the 48th House District for January 9, 2024. The seat is currently held by The Honorable Les Adams, who will resign on January 9, 2024.

The full writ of election from Governor Youngkin is available here.

The last day for candidates to file is December 18, 2023. Information regarding candidacy requirements can be found on the Department of Elections website.


-VPAP: District map

-WRIC: Delegate Les Adams Resigns From Virginia’s House of Delegates

-Martinsville Bulletin: Del. Les Adams resigns from House of Delegates

-Cardinal News: Del. Adams announces he’ll resign from House; Youngkin sets special election for Jan. 9

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