Press Release: Flags at Half-Staff in Memory of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor

Press release from Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s office….

Pursuant to President Biden’s Presidential Proclamation to lower the United States flag, I do hereby order that the flags of the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Virginia be flown at half-staff on all state and local buildings and grounds in the Commonwealth of Virginia in Memory and Respect of retired Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.

We honor her lifelong work as the first woman on the Supreme Court and Majority leader of the Arizona State Senate, an Arizona State Legislator, Judge of the Maricopa County Superior Court, the Arizona Court of Appeals, and Chancellor of the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. She leaves behind a legacy of her care for the rule of law, and the citizens of her State and the Country.

I hereby order that the flags shall be lowered on the day of interment and remain at half-staff until sunset on the day of interment.

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