Bolling: Israel

Israel did not ask to be attacked by Hamas. That action was solely the work of Hamas terrorists in Gaza. But Israel does have a right to defend itself against these attacks, and it should do so aggressively: ‘Every Hamas member is a dead man,’ Netanyahu says in fiery speech, as Israel masses troops near Gaza Strip (Washington Post).

Unfortunately, Hamas Is embedded among innocent Palestinians who may not agree with their actions, but are powerless to stop them. These innocents will be caught in the crossfire, as were the innocent Israelis who were killed, wounded, and taken hostage by Hamas. They will become unfortunate casualties of war.

We need to understand that these terrorist groups, be it Hamas in Gaza or Hezbollah in Lebanon, are committed to the total destruction of Israel, and they are backed in this effort by Iran. Israel’s only way to survive is to destroy them first.

As we watch this conflict unfold, we should pray for the innocents on both sides who are caught in the crossfire. We should support Israel’s victory. And we should hope that the conflict does not evolve into a wider regional war.

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