Bolling: We Don’t Want Biden and We Don’t Want Trump! What Are We To Do?

According to this open ended AP-NORC poll, Americans don’t think much of President Biden or former President Trump: Biden: Biden is ‘old,’ Trump is ‘corrupt’; AP-NORC poll has ominous signs for both in possible 2024 rematch.

They think Biden is too old and too confused, and they think Trump is corrupt, crooked, and dangerous.
This is, of course, consistent with other polls, which have indicated that most Americans do not want Biden or Trump to run for President in 2024.

Nonetheless, Democrats appear fixed on nominating Biden, and a clear plurality of Republicans continue to support Trump, notwithstanding the fact that he is facing four criminal indictments.

This would set up one of the most undesirable presidential choices in recent American history, which could provide a fertile environment for a serious third party candidate.

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