View From the Editor’s Desk: Much To Enjoy This Last Weekend in August 2023

It’s the last weekend of August 2023. Labor Day is a week away and summer is waning. Here in the central Shenandoah Valley, the signs of fall are all around, most notably rogue color-changing tree branches, golden leaves already on the ground from bass and river birches, bright red leaves on black gums, and the drone of crickets on hot, hazy afternoons.

Some thoughts….

Is absolutely everyone talking about Oliver Anthony’s instant blockbuster hit, “Rich Men North of Richmond”? It is difficult to scan the internet without seeing mention of it in one way or another.

But perhaps the most interesting piece I’ve read so far about this breakout hit by a man who lives in Farmville, Virginia, was written earlier this week from the editor of Cardinal News, Dwayne Yancey (What the national media gets wrong about Olive Anthony). Yancey not only explored the song but also dug deeper to define the physical location of Appalachia for reasons he explains in his very comprehensive post. It’s a good read.

It’s late summer hay season in the Shenandoah Valley. The farmer next door cut, raked, baled, and hauled in his crop this week before yesterday morning’s rain. There’s usually one more cutting before cold weather hits.

Sunflower fields around the Valley are opening to the public for cuttings of the bright yellow flowers and festival activities. It’s always fun to see fields stretch as far as the eye can see with the Blue Ridge, Massanutten, or Allegheny Mountains in the background.

Another sign of fall: Apple season has begun. Galas are among the earliest variety in a season that brings all kinds of activities and reasons to visit orchards, drink cider, and be part of autumn celebrations.

Pumpkins and colorful chrysanthemums will be out in full force in the coming weeks as they help usher in the cooler temps of fall and find a place on my front steps.

If visiting the Shenandoah Valley, be sure to check out the Dayton Farmers Market located between Staunton and Harrisonburg for produce, home goods, bulk pantry items, homemade candy, an on-site eatery, and more. Don’t forget the Green Valley Book Fair located about eight miles east of the Market for deeply-discounted books with titles of interest to all, videos, audio tapes, and miscellaneous items. It’s a book reader’s paradise.

While in the Valley, stop by Staunton for a meal at one of the many restaurants in this foodie town and then make your way up the steps and cross the railroad bridge on the climb up Sears Hill to the overlook for a scenic view of the entire downtown Staunton area. If you’d rather picnic, there are tables located throughout Gypsy Hill Park, or head to the nearby Blue Ridge Parkway and drive seven miles south of Afton Mountain to Humpback Rock picnic area.

Enjoy your weekend and stay cool!




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