Bolling: Trump Indicted, Yet Again

Well, it’s official: Trump indicted on charges out of Special Counsel probe into Jan. 6.

Former President Donald Trump has been indicted, yet again. This time for his alleged role in inciting the January 6th 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol, and allegedly conspiring to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

In case you haven’t been keeping score, this is the third criminal indictment against Trump. In addition to this indictment, Trump has been indicted for alleged illegal business activities in New York City, and he has also been indicted for obstruction of justice in connection with his handling of classified documents in Florida.

And oh yes, an additional indictment will likely follow in Georgia, where state officials feel that Trump illegally tried to interfere with their ballot counting process following the 2020 election.

Clearly, Trump is either one of the most unfairly persecuted people in American history, or the most corrupt person to ever hold the presidency. Your view on this question likely follows your underlying political affiliations.

I have no doubt that this indictment will do nothing but strengthen Trump’s position in the GOP presidential primary. Trump’s supporters seem unwilling to even considering the possibility that he may have committed multiple illegal acts.

The next 16 months will be a surreal chapter in American political history. Will Trump be convicted in these criminal cases or will he be acquitted? And if he is convicted, will that even soften his support in the GOP?

I’ve always been proud to be an American, and so I remain; but this current chapter in American political history is both alarming and embarrassing. One way or the other, I can’t wait until it is over.

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