Augusta County: The Resolution

Augusta County’s Wayne District Supervisor Scott Seaton asked a question about possibly illegal fees collected at the at the animal shelter for 31 years.

Not long after he’s been censured, removed from committees, and there is an intense interest from the Government Center about a recording that was not illegal but breached confidentiality. Deflect and redirect? What happened to the animal shelter issue?

Here is the Resolution presented and passed at yesterday’s “special” board meeting that lasted about 10 minutes: pledge, prayer, reading of resolution, passed, adjourn. There was no discussion among the supervisors prior to the vote and no public comment was allowed even though two of the half dozen or so audience members asked if citizens could speak.



-Bearing Drift: Seaton: Transparency – Virginia FOIA is the Public’s Right To Know by Scott Seaton

-News-Virginian: Lone Contested Board of Supervisors Race Becomes a Barnburner by Bob Stuart

-Augusta Free Press: Maybe the Augusta County Board of Supervisors Should Censure Its Chair by Chris Graham


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