Augusta County: ‘Special’ BOS Meeting Wednesday at 7pm – UPDATE

Just a week after the regular fourth Wednesday meeting, a notice went out that there would be a “special” Augusta County Board of Supervisors meeting tomorrow – Wednesday night, August 2, at 7pm.

The agenda notes that the reason for this specially called meeting is to “consider a Board resolution to request certain public records.”

The meeting is open to the public and held in the public meeting room at the Government Center in Verona.

Board of Supervisors Special Meeting

UPDATE 8/1/2023: Chris Graham with Augusta Free Press has some thoughts about tomorrow night’s supervisor meeting: Augusta County supes call special meeting to, ahem, ‘request certain public records’.

See also:

-Maybe the Augusta County Board of Supervisors should censure its chair.

Augusta County leaders censure supervisor, citing recordings: But is something else going on? – Augusta Free Press

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