Saxman: Higher Ed Polling and More

This week’s graphic laden column:

Weekly Top Ten – U.S. Constitution 14:3, Tim Scott moving in NH, Mental Health and headlines. Djokovic lost but won, Elton John, and a Nora story.

Virginia FREE Fridays at 3pm – Click HERE!

Next Friday is our monthly polling update.

Upcoming guests in August:

Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger

Congressman Rob Wittman

The Economist interview:

Henry Kissinger on averting world war A conversation with the former Secretary of State on China, AI and great power rivalry

Podcast and transcript available.

Well worth your time.


First two graphics below show the dramatic drop off in American confidence for higher education.

That will matter in every state and federal budget negotiation going forward.

Massive shift will happen to fund degrees and credentials in non-traditional higher ed programs.

Note – this is BEFORE Artificial Intelligence is factored into almost any legislative conversation about future budgeting.

My personal advice for higher ed? Develop a fervor for creating economic value and go full Mitch Daniels on cost containment.

Three words should be the focus – Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.

While over a decade old, a book written by Gallup’s Jim Clifton is worth the time – The Coming Jobs War – what every leader should know about the future of job creation.

The last two videos are of Novak Djokovic speaking after his 2022 Wimbledon victory over Nick Kyrgios and his 2023 finals loss to Carlos Alcaraz.

They are a master class and should be required viewing of every political candidate. #SoMuchWinning


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