Read or Listen to the Trump Indictment

Former Republican President Donald Trump heads to court today in Florida (NPR):

The Department of Justice released on Friday an unsealed federal indictment of former President Donald Trump, with 37 felony counts related to the mishandling of classified documents, obstructing justice and making false statements.

All who are taking a side in this sad chapter of American politics should read or listen to the indictment to better understand what has been charged and why. Armed with that information, a better debate is possible with facts.

Read the court indictment here. It is 49 pages long but I heard someone say that when the half-pages and photos were taken into account, it probably was the equivalent of 20-ish pages double-spaced so not a long read at all.

Listen to a reading of the indictment on The Bulwark.

Trump’s court appearance is today, June 13, 2023, at 3:00 pm.


-Lawfare: Shoes Yet to Drop in the Mar-a-Lago Investigation

-ABC News: Trump plans to head to Florida Monday as search for expanded legal team continues: Sources

-The Hill: Miami prepares for Trump court appearance: recap

-NBC News: Judge bans electronic devices for media at Trump arraignment courthouse

-AP News: Trump prepares for court appearance as 1st ex-president to face federal criminal charges

-NBC Miami: Trump indictment: What to expect from the federal court ahead of history-making hearing in Miami

-Washington Post: Miami braces for Trump in court on classified documents charges

-Poynter: Which of the charges against Trump are most serious? Can he still run in 2024?


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