Bolling: Republican Primary Results in 2nd and 7th Congressional Districts, Analysis

On Tuesday, Virginia Republicans went to the polls and nominated candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives in two pivotal congressional district races.

Interestingly, Republicans have nominated two female candidates to go up against two incumbent female Representatives in this fall’s congressional campaigns.

In Virginia’s 2nd congressional district, which is centered in the Virginia Beach area, Republicans nominated State Senator Jen Kiggans to challenge incumbent Democrat Elaine Luria. This is a toss-up district that voted for Democrat Joe Biden in 2020 but switched to Republican Glenn Youngkin in 2021. Given current political winds, this is probably the Republicans best chance to pick up a congressional seat in Virginia this year.

In Virginia’s 7th congressional district, which is now centered in the Prince William/Stafford/Spotsylvania area, Republicans nominated Yesli Vega, a former law enforcement officer who now serves as a member of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors, to challenge incumbent Rep. Abigail Spanberger.

This district leans Democratic, but Spanberger is new to the district, having recently moved there to try and retain her seat following the transition of the district from the Henrico/Chesterfield area. This, combined with the anti-Biden sentiment that is currently sweeping the country, could give Republicans an opportunity to be competitive in November.

Virginia’s congressional delegation is currently composed of 7 Democrats and 4 Republicans. If Republicans can pick up a couple of congressional seats in Virginia this November, it could help the GOP achieve its’ goal of regaining a majority in the House of Representatives in 2023.

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