Lazy Jeanine Martin Can’t Even Try to Write Her Own Post

It’s always refreshing to have Bearing Drift members cover important events around the Commonwealth. Stephen Spiker did just that for us on Saturday when he produced thorough round-by-round coverage of the 10th district firehouse primary.  You can read the post from May 22nd here: Hung Cao Wins 10th District Nomination – Full Results & Analysis | Bearing Drift

Therefore, it’s extremely poor form to have another person be so lazy as to basically copy-and-paste one of our pieces two full days later and try to publish it as her own work, right down to the percent changes and the exclamation at the end. (I guess if you omit part of the name, it doesn’t exactly count as plagiarism, right?) You can’t make this stuff up, folks.

Clearly Jeanine Martin didn’t. She just took someone else’s work. Shame on her.


Stephen Spiker’s Post (May 22)

Late into the night, after 9 rounds of counting (and recounting the ranked preferences of voters of dropped-off candidates), Hung Cao emerged with a strong victory.

Round 1:

Hung Cao: 42.0%
Jeanine Lawson: 28.9%
Brandon Michon: 10.2%
Mike Clancy: 4.8%
Caleb Max: 4.1%
John Henley: 4.0%
David Beckwith: 2.0%
Theresa Coates Ellis: 1.7%
John Beatty: 1.5%
Jeff Mayhugh: 0.4%
Brooke Taylor: 0.4%

After each round, the lowest-ranked candidate dropped off, and all those who had Taylor as their first choice then had their second-choice votes (if any) allocated to other candidates. If their second choices were later dropped off, it would move to their third choice, and so on.

Round 2:
(redistributing Taylor’s voters)

Cao: 42.1% (+0.1%)
Lawson: 29.0% (+0.1%)
Michon: 10.3% (+0.1%)
Clancy: 4.8% (-)
Max: 4.1% (-)
Henley: 4.1% (+0.1%)
Beckwith: 2.0% (-)
Ellis: 1.7% (-)
Beatty: 1.5% (-)
Mayhugh: 0.4% (-)

As a note: the changes reflected here represent percentages, to the 10th decimal point. Candidates may have picked up votes without bumping up a tenth of a percentage; also a candidate may have picked up more votes than another candidate, but not moved (for example, if they went from 4.76% to 4.83%, they’d still be reported as 4.8%).

Round 3:
(redistributing Mayhugh’s voters)

Cao: 42.3% (+0.2%)
Lawson: 29.0% (-)
Michon: 10.3% (-)
Clancy: 4.8% (-)
Max: 4.1% (-)
Henley: 4.1% (-)
Beckwith: 2.1% (+0.1%)
Ellis: 1.8% (+0.1%)
Beatty: 1.6% (+0.1%)

Round 4:
(redistributing Beatty’s voters)

Cao: 42.8% (+0.5%)
Lawson: 29.3% (+0.3%)
Michon: 10.5% (+0.2%)
Clancy: 4.9% (+0.1%)
Max: 4.3% (+0.2%)
Henley: 4.2% (+0.1%)
Beckwith: 2.2% (+0.1%)
Ellis: 1.9% (+0.1%)

Round 5:
(redistributing Ellis’s voters)

Cao: 43.5% (+0.7%)
Lawson: 29.8% (+0.5%)
Michon: 10.7% (+0.2%)
Clancy: 5.1% (+0.2%)
Max: 4.5% (+0.2%)
Henley: 4.3% (+0.1%)
Beckwith: 2.2% (-)

Round 6:
(redistributing Beckwith’s voters)

Cao: 44.3% (+0.8%)
Lawson: 30.3% (+0.5%)
Michon: 10.9% (+0.2%)
Clancy: 5.3% (+0.2%)
Max: 4.7% (+0.2%)
Henley: 4.5% (+0.2%)

Round 7:
(redistributing Henley’s voters)

Cao: 46.6% (+2.1%)
Lawson: 31.2% (+0.9%)
Michon: 11.5% (+0.6%)
Clancy: 5.8% (+0.5%)
Max: 4.8% (+0.1%)

Round 8:
(redistributing Max’s voters)

Cao: 48.7% (+2.1%)
Lawson: 32.3% (+1.1%)
Michon: 12.5% (+1.0%)
Clancy: 6.6% (+0.8%)

Round 9:
(redistributing Clancy’s voters)

Cao: 52.2% (+3.5%)
Lawson: 33.8% (+1.5%)
Michon: 13.9% (+1.4%)

Hung Cao wins!


Jeanine Martin’s Post (May 24):

After 9 rounds of counting in a ranked choice contest, retired Navy Captain Hung Cao went over 50% to win the Republican nomination for Congress in the 10th Congressional district:

Round 1:

Hung Cao: 42.0%
Jeanine Lawson: 28.9%
Brandon Michon: 10.2%
Mike Clancy: 4.8%
Caleb Max: 4.1%
John Henley: 4.0%
David Beckwith: 2.0%
Theresa Coates Ellis: 1.7%
John Beatty: 1.5%
Jeff Mayhugh: 0.4%
Brooke Taylor: 0.4%

Brooke Taylor was dropped and her second place votes were spread over the remaining candidates.

Round 2:
 42.1% (+0.1%)
Lawson: 29.0% (+0.1%)
Michon: 10.3% (+0.1%)
Clancy: 4.8% (-)
Max: 4.1% (-)
Henley: 4.1% (+0.1%)
Beckwith: 2.0% (-)
Ellis: 1.7% (-)
Beatty: 1.5% (-)
Mayhugh: 0.4% (-)

In Round 3 Mayhugh was dropped and his second place votes were spread over the remaining candidates:

Round 3:
(redistributing Mayhugh’s voters)

Cao: 42.3% (+0.2%)
Lawson: 29.0% (-)
Michon: 10.3% (-)
Clancy: 4.8% (-)
Max: 4.1% (-)
Henley: 4.1% (-)
Beckwith: 2.1% (+0.1%)
Ellis: 1.8% (+0.1%)
Beatty: 1.6% (+0.1%)

Round 4:
(redistributing Beatty’s voters)

Cao: 42.8% (+0.5%)
Lawson: 29.3% (+0.3%)
Michon: 10.5% (+0.2%)
Clancy: 4.9% (+0.1%)
Max: 4.3% (+0.2%)
Henley: 4.2% (+0.1%)
Beckwith: 2.2% (+0.1%)
Ellis: 1.9% (+0.1%)

Round 5:
(redistributing Ellis’s voters)

Cao: 43.5% (+0.7%)
Lawson: 29.8% (+0.5%)
Michon: 10.7% (+0.2%)
Clancy: 5.1% (+0.2%)
Max: 4.5% (+0.2%)
Henley: 4.3% (+0.1%)
Beckwith: 2.2% (-)

Round 6:
(redistributing Beckwith’s voters)

Cao: 44.3% (+0.8%)
Lawson: 30.3% (+0.5%)
Michon: 10.9% (+0.2%)
Clancy: 5.3% (+0.2%)
Max: 4.7% (+0.2%)
Henley: 4.5% (+0.2%)

Round 7:
(redistributing Henley’s voters)

Cao: 46.6% (+2.1%)
Lawson: 31.2% (+0.9%)
Michon: 11.5% (+0.6%)
Clancy: 5.8% (+0.5%)
Max: 4.8% (+0.1%)

Round 8:
(redistributing Max’s voters)

Cao: 48.7% (+2.1%)
Lawson: 32.3% (+1.1%)
Michon: 12.5% (+1.0%)
Clancy: 6.6% (+0.8%)

Round 9:
(redistributing Clancy’s voters)

Cao: 52.2% (+3.5%)
Lawson: 33.8% (+1.5%)
Michon: 13.9% (+1.4%)

Cao wins!


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