Saxman: Whoa Nellie! What a Week in Politics.

From Civiqs:

  1. How would you rate the condition of the national economy right now? Ratings over last 12 months.

2. Do you think things in this country are headed in the right direction, or have they gotten off on the wrong track? Last 12 months. RIGHT TRACK/WRONG TRACK

As we have discussed in the past, energy prices are driving a lot of this sentiment:

Energy prices factor into food prices for several reasons.

And the national Republicans are using it to their advantage. To do otherwise would be malpractice. #GoWhereTheVotesAre #GetVotesYouDon’tHave.

And it’s working here in Virginia as Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger’s race is now rated as Toss Up by the Cook Political Report. UVA’s Center for Politics rates VA 7 as Lean Democrat for now.

Brandon Jarvis at Virginia Scope is reporting:

Spanberger and Slotkin urge the Biden administration to delay lifting Title 42 in a letter which includes:

While you inherited this problem, it is now your responsibility – with necessary help from Congress – to address our broken immigration system,” Spanberger and Slotkin wrote. “Given our backgrounds in national security, we know the Executive Branch is accustomed to planning for contingencies, and it is for this reason that we submit to you the below requests for actions to be taken before the administration lifts the Title 42 order, so that we prevent a humanitarian and security crisis.

Immigration is a growing problem for the Biden Administration and Spanberger’s letter spells out what will happen if Title 42 is lifted – “a humanitarian and security crisis” which could make the midterms even worse than current projections.

This would appear to be an opportunity for the Biden Admin to help swing district Democrats like Spanberger, right?

Well….apparently, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal of Washington, Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, isn’t progressive enough and progressives, according to this report, are looking to sit out the midterms as a result of not getting everything on their wish list and they want Title 42 LIFTED. #EatingTheirOwn.

Check out this video describing the Democrats internal problems that will be ripe picking for their opponents:

Politics is all about compromise. The beauty of politics is not in getting what you want, but rather what you discover you are willing to give up in order to get what you want.

Which reminds me of MLB pitching great Greg Maddux who would intentionally give opposing batters the pitches they would like in order to set them up for failure in future games.

I didn’t intentionally give up a home run, but there are times where you try to have the hitter have some success off you so you know he’ll be sitting on them the rest of the year,” Maddux said. “…I had a coach that told me what hitters remember, and they remember success. So, [if] they get you on a certain pitch, they’re gonna be sitting on it for a long time.

“…I did it mostly in spring training. I think you try to plant a seed in guys’ heads in spring training and try to get away from it once the season starts.”

I realize that politics is different but baseball teaches good lessons for politics. Here are five:

  1. It’s a long season. A grind. Pace yourself
  2. Pitching and defense win championships.
  3. Strikeouts are fascist. #CrashDavis
  4. A walk is as good as a hit.
  5. Hit your pitch.

IF progressives decide to abandon the Democratic Party and form their own party, they will be trying to fill a growing market desire – namely – a third party with scale and money.

My money is on them waiting out the current generation of leaders. #CompromiseOrIrony? Both?

Look at the trend line for Third U.S. Party since 2003 according to Gallup. The high point was last year at 62% BEFORE the Right Track/Wrong Track numbers (see above) went from NET (-12) to NET (-38).

And what of the GOP if Donald Trump does run again? Maybe a 4th Party? Never know.

For On Hold Videos before the Zoom:

Three great singers – Freddie, Pink, and Whitney.

Queen Live – Somebody to Love:

Post Easter White Rabbit by Pink (also live – great version – drummer kills it)

Remember what the door mouse said/feed your head

And via Dolly Parton’s lyrics, the incomparable Whitney Houston with I Will Always Love You. Video has 1.2 BILLION views.

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