Virginia Lawmakers Return to RVA April 4 for Special Session

Virginia’s General Assembly members will convene in Richmond next week for the 2022 special session, to complete unfinished business from the regular session that ended earlier this month.

Most notably, legislators will tie up any loose ends concerning the budget as well as addressing proposed tax cuts and reductions.

Here is the full proclamation from Gov. Glenn Youngkin calling for the special session:

In accordance with the provisions of Article IV, Section 6, and Article V, Section 5, of the Constitution of Virginia and the powers thereby vested in the Governor to call a Special Session of the General Assembly,

I, Glenn Youngkin, Governor of Virginia, do hereby summon the members of the Senate and the House of Delegates, constituting the General Assembly of Virginia, to meet in Special Session commencing the 4th day of April, two thousand and twenty-two for the purpose of the completion of the 2023-2024 biennial budget.

Given under my hand as Governor of Virginia, and under the Lesser Seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this 23rd day of March, two thousand and twenty-two, and in the two hundred and forty-sixth year of the Commonwealth.


-Richmond Times-Dispatch: Properly fund core services for Virginians |

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