Virginia FREE Luncheon Features Elected Officials at The Jefferson

Virginia FREE’s annual gathering of business leaders, community leaders, and elected officials, back after last year’s Covid isolation, will be held next week in downtown Richmond, and the list of confirmed attendees continues to grow and includes the newly elected Lt. Governor and Attorney General, as announced by Chris Saxman, Executive Director of the Virginia Foundation for Research and Economic Education (Virginia FREE).

The event will take place on Thursday, December 16, at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond.

Republican Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin has been invited, and GOP Lt. Governor-elect Winsome Sears and GOP Attorney General-elect Jason Miyares are both confirmed as are Speaker-designee Del. Todd Gilbert and House Majority Leader-designee Del. Terry Kilgore.

The list of confirmed General Assembly members is growing daily.

The latest update includes members of the State Senate: Adam Ebbin, Barbara Favola, Emmett Hanger, Lynwood Lewis, and Lionel Spuill.

House of Delegate members attending: Betsy Carr, Rob Bloxom, Mark Keam, Barry Knight, Rip Sullivan, Lee Ware, and Vivian Watts.

A reception is set for 11:00 with lunch at noon and adjournment at 1:15. Additional details can be found here.

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