Cortez: Don’t Bet Old Acquaintances Will Be Forgotten in 2022

By Daniel P. Cortez

The Scottish song, Auld Lang Syne, is written from a poem credited to Robert Burns and made famous by band leader Guy Lombardo. It means times fondly remembered over the year. The opening lyrics, “Should old acquaintance be forgot,” is of particular significance today.

Sung by young and old on New Year’s eve, it’s the fitting template as 14 teams help the future Youngkin administration transition before inauguration day.

The Fredericksburg region has several familiar faces on his transition team, including 28th Dist. State Sen. Richard Stuart, 17th Dist. State Sen. Bryce Reeves, 56th Dist. Delegate John McGuire, and Stafford’s Commissioner of the Revenue Scott Mayausky.

Each was chosen for their exemplary area of expertise, like Stuart in Natural and Historic Resources, McGuire and Reeves in veteran’s affairs, and Mayausky in finance.

Imagine the thousands statewide never once seen or heard from on the actual campaign trail, now boasting to be the reason for Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin’s conservative victory, contacting transition officials seeking political appointment favor.

It’s hopefully all for naught, as transition members are required to sign a confidentiality statement.

Ultra-establishment watchdog conservatives and others, not surprisingly, will look for worthy former Trump officials or anti-Trumpers, finding their way into key positions in Youngkin’s new administration.

One rather notorious Latino operative not known as a team player reportedly attempted to “parlay” with Attorney General-elect Jason Miyares to justify political existence. Nowhere to be found in support during the slate’s actual campaigns, he bragged of a developing relationship. Typical of political hyenas seeking favor.

As the song lyrics go, “We’ll take a cup of kindness yet,” remains questionable political reality during the transitioning actions of Youngkin, receiving flack before even taking office.

Youngkin was recently undermined by right-wing radio fringe host John Fredericks who called for “another RINO (republican in name only) alert….” The self-aggrandizing Fredericks trashed Youngkin apparently for only appearing on his program when Youngkin “needed” votes from the MAGA fan base that Fredericks panders to.

Clearly Fredericks, like other struggling small media types, desires to “profit” from as many Youngkin appearances as possible. His tactical comments hope to pay off with more Youngkin interviews coupled with radio ad buys.

Then there’s Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch founder, incorrectly attacking Youngkin for not standing stronger against “abusive” mask mandates.

Youngkin was crystal clear concerning his position on WCHV radio stating that, as Governor, “I will rescind Executive Order 18 for state employees and they will not be mandated to wear masks or get vaccines.”

Furthermore, “I will appoint a new health commissioner and rescind the public health order that required kids in K-12 education to wear a mask in order to attend both public and private schools.”

Youngkin clearly indicated he will work with Miyares to push back on what they believe is the unconstitutional position from President Biden that employers with 100 plus employees get the vaccine or face termination.

But the old acquaintance memory of the Loudoun County School Board’s conduct dealing with two sexual assaults will not be forgotten by Miyares who stated, “I plan to uncover the truth.”

Miyares and Youngkin will be acting with great responsibility providing voters actual answers as to what school boards like Loudoun and Stafford do, and don’t do.

Yes, school choice, transparency, better veterans’ treatment, cheaper goods and services, and accurate Virginia racial history. Elections have consequences.

For Auld Lang Syne, my dear.

Daniel P. Cortez is a Stafford resident, presidential appointee, political writer, and broadcaster active in veterans and minority affairs who was Co-Chairman of the Latinos for Youngkin coalition.

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