‘In America: Remember’ … Covid Memorial on D.C. National Mall

It’s a somber sight. The expansive field of white flags planted on Washington’s National Mall in the shadows of the Washington Monument covers 20 acres. Those who have been there report a quiet reverence over the national public square covered with 660,000 flags honoring each American who has died from Covid-19.

It’s God’s sanctuary … a place to remember and grieve … a place to pray and honor.

This art exhibit, put together by artist Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg, is quite simply an overwhelming reminder of the global pandemic that has raged for 18 months here and around the world.

The appreciated but heartbreaking visual beckons to those left behind that their loved ones are now footnotes in the annals of time marking the mammoth loss of life that has made this the largest pandemic in American history.

Everyone is invited to visit and personalize a flag that can be dedicated for a loved one who has been lost. Those who cannot visit in person can go to Dedicate a Flag on the National Mall and submit a name and information.

The exhibit will be open through October 3, 2021, on weekdays from 10am until sunset, and on weekends from 9am until sunset.

Covid Lost Loved Ones Map Project

While at the website, you may also want to submit your loved one’s name for another project: “Covid Lost Loved Ones Map.” There you can share special memories about the person, submit a photo, and add a link to their obituary.

They will be added to the Covid Lost Loved Ones map that locates individuals based on their residence.

Needless to say, on behalf of my siblings, I added Calvin Tompkins Lucy Jr. to both projects. It was cathartic, and helped a tiny bit more to heal the hurt.

Photos from “In America: Remember”

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