4th of July at the Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia

Take a step back into the 1800s to celebrate an early American Independence Day at the Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley.

The museum tells the story of the thousands of people who migrated from the Old World to colonial America, and of the life they created for themselves in the New World. Made up of original or reproduced examples of traditional buildings from the Old World and America, they represent England, Germany, Ireland, West Africa, and America, as well as an American Indian settlement.

Located in Staunton, this special 4th of July pay what you will event (pay a little, pay a lot, pay nothing) offers the opportunity to experience living history at the outdoor museum’s many exhibits with special activities planned all day at the 1820s and 1850s American farms.

Activities planned for Independence Day include reading of the Declaration of Independence at noon and 2:00pm, musket demonstrations at 11am and 3pm, traditional ironworking, woodworking, and textiles; historic cooking and baking, and traditional games and chores. There are animals and gardens and a lot of room to stretch wiggly little legs.

Come on out and enjoy the fun and all the educational activities for the entire family, your friends, and your neighbors.

What: America’s Independence celebration at Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia
1290 Richmond Avenue (Rt. 250), Staunton, Va

When: Sunday, July 4, 2021

Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm

Cost: Pay what you will

The Frontier Culture Museum is generally open seven days a week from 9am-5pm.

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell. Cover photo is English farm as seen across the pond. Frontier Culture Museum sign was captured June 24, 2021, in Staunton.

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