2021 GOP Convention Election Results – Attorney General -UPDATED

Round 1 results: Leslie Haley was eliminated and delegates’ next preferences were distributed between Jason Miyares, Chuck Smith, and Jack White.

Round 2 results: Jack White was eliminated and delegates’ next preferences were distributed between Jason Miyares and Chuck Smith.

Round 3 results: Jason Miyares won with 51.7% and 6,490 weighted votes.

Chuck Smith gave Miyares a surprising run for his money and came in second with 48.3% and 6,064 weighted votes.

Reference: VPAP.org

Watch: Convention voting

Live results: Spreadsheet

Update: Press release from the Republican Party of Virginia….

Richmond, VA – Tonight, Jason Miyares won the Republican nomination for Attorney General. He will appear as the Republican Attorney General candidate on the November 2nd general election ballot.

Miyares attended elementary and high school in Virginia Beach, graduating with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from James Madison University and is a graduate of the College of William & Mary School of Law, where he served on the Honor Council. He is the Past President of Cape Henry Rotary where he was a Paul Harris Fellow, Past Chairman of the Hampton Roads Young Republicans, Founding Member of the Hampton Roads Federalist Society, Member of the Virginia Beach Bar Association, and a Member of Galilee Episcopal Church. He lives in Virginia Beach, with his wife Page Atkinson Miyares, an owner and broker at Atkinson Realty, a third-generation family owned business in the North End, their three daughters and their very lovable Golden Retriever, Buckley.

RPV Chairman Rich Anderson offered the following comment:

“I want to congratulate Jason on his victory this evening. Running for Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Virginia is no easy task, and this is a critical first step.

“I would also like to thank Chuck Smith, Jack White, and Leslie Haley for stepping up to the plate and participating in this convention. It gives me great hope for the future of the Republican Party of Virginia to see so many quality Republican candidates running for office.

“It is now time for Republicans to unite behind our nominee. It’s time to take back Virginia!”

UPDATE x1: AG candidate Chuck Smith, who lost in Sunday’s vote count to Jason Miyares, has requested a recount.

UPDATE x2: RPV’s response to Chuck Smith’s request for a recount:</strong

Richmond, VA – The Rules of the 2021 Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) State Convention preclude recounts unless the vote margin between the prevailing candidate and the candidate with fewer votes is 1% or less. As evidenced by the results, the margin by which Mr. Smith trailed Del. Miyares is more than three times greater than that threshold, meaning a recount is not permissible under the Rules of the 2021 RPV State Convention.

This process has been conducted fairly and transparently, with the results being checked and validated multiple times to ensure accuracy. Mr. Smith’s campaign was represented by observers in the counting room throughout the count, and they raised no objection to the results at the time they were announced, nor did they voice objection to the tally during any of the three rounds of counting.

“Under the Rules governing this process, Mr. Smith does not qualify for a recount because the contest for Attorney General is significantly outside the 1% margin,” noted RPV Acting General Counsel Lee Goodman. “The Republican Party’s 1% threshold for recounts tracks Virginia state law for general elections. Election results just do not change at that level.”

“I know from experience that it’s never easy to lose a hotly contested race,” said RPV Chairman Rich Anderson. “Trust me, I’ve been there. Having not met the threshold for a recount, I sincerely hope that Chuck will withdraw his request for a recount and unite behind Jason Miyares and the rest of the 2021 Republican ticket. There’s too much at stake to delay a unified effort to restore accountable, conservative government to the people of Virginia.”

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