Former LG Bill Bolling: ‘The Rise and Fall of the GOP in Virginia’ Free Zoom Lecture

Here is an opportunity to hear from Virginia’s former Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling about the state of Republican politics in the Commonwealth. The free April 28 Zoom lecture is offered through the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.

If you’ve been involved in Republican politics in Virginia … if you’ve worked campaigns … if you have been in grassroots leadership or served on State Central Committee or been in public office … if you’re an interested bystander or on the other side of the political aisle … this will be an interesting lecture offered by someone who lived his public elected life through much of it.

Details from Mr. Bolling….


I would like to invite you to join me for a pubic lecture that I am doing in conjunction with the Schar School of Policy and Government and George Mason University.

Topic: A Discussion of Contemporary Virginia Politics: The Rise and Fall of the GOP in Virginia

Date: April 28, 2021 (Wednesday)

Time: 7:00 PM Eastern Time

Description: Former Virginia Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling will talk about the rise and fall of the Republican Party in Virginia, and the factors that have turned Virginia from blue, to red and back again over the past 50 years. Mr. Bolling, who is currently serving as a Visiting Professor at the Schar School of Government and Public Policy at George Mason University, will address what the GOP needs to do to become a more viable force in Virginia politics, and make certain that Virginia continues to have a credible two-party political system.

How to Register: You can register for this free Zoom lecture here.

Expect vintage Bill Bolling … and that’s always a good thing.

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