Baldwin: Boycott Starbucks? No Thanks

By Jerry Baldwin

Every time I post something about my vice (which is beyond question going to Starbucks), I have a few critics who point out that, as a conservative, I should make better choices. Only their comments are usually more pointed….

But yesterday I had to laugh when I ran into one of my biggest critics coming out of TARGET, wearing NIKE from head to toe, holding his Starbucks coffee, pushing a buggy filled with COKE.

I said, “Dude! What’s up!?! Next you’re gonna tell me that you got your cell phone from VERIZON!”

He didn’t laugh. At all. He just shrugged, sheepishly. I must say, I enjoyed the chance to rib him just a little for his blatant hypocrisy.

TRUTH … I don’t really care what he spends his money on. Because it’s HIS money.

I’ll admit it. I’m not quite ready to boycott every business in the world who supports a liberal agenda. That would be most of them … and I wonder exactly who I’d be punishing….

Maybe one day I’ll wake up and do the “right thing.” I’ll finally crack the recipe and start making a homemade version of my daily Starbucks orders (sous vide egg white bites and a Venti Skinny Coffee Frappuccino with almond milk and sugar free syrups), with ingredients bought only from a right-leaning mom ‘n’ pop, grown by local farmers, and shipped by conservative-cause-friendly trucking companies.

But until then … it’s my $10 and I’ll do what I want with it.

That’s my rant for the day. And now back to your regular programming. #youdoyou

Jerry Baldwin is former chairman of the Chesterfield County Republican Committee.

Previous posts from Jerry Baldwin….
Random Acts of Kindness
Amanda Chase … Republican?
Debate Critique

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