Shenandoah National Park Sets Prescribed Burn for Big Meadows

The annual burn-off of the big meadow across from the Big Meadows Byrd Visitor Center at milepost 51 on Skyline Drive will take place at some point between now and April 22, 2021, according to a news release from the National Park Service. The exact date depends on weather conditions in the area.

The 50-acre field is burned each year to maintain the open vista and continue in the tradition of Native Americans who in the past kept the field open from shrubs and trees for hunting and camping.

The National Park Service expanded on the burn:

Prescribed burns are ignited by fire managers under a pre-determined set of conditions, including temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, fuel moisture and resource availability.  Most prescribed burns at Shenandoah National Park are conducted as interagency projects, with local support, under the guidance and direction of trained and experienced personnel from the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Virginia Department of Forestry.

Smoke from the burn may be visible in and around the Big Meadows area. Visitors driving in areas of smoke should take additional care by slowing down and ensuring their headlights are on. All park facilities will remain open during the prescribed burn.

Access to Big Meadows will be restricted during the burn. For more info:
or website to confirm when the burn will take place.

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