7 Things To Know About RPV’s May 8 Convention

It’s been months in the making with hours-long meetings and parliamentary wrangling but Friday night finally saw the Republican Party of Virginia’s State Central Committee finalize details for the May 8, 2021, convention. Because of covid restrictions on large gatherings, it will be held in voting locations around the Commonwealth.

1) Date of convention: Saturday, May 8, 2021

2) Hours to vote: 9:00am – 4:00pm

3) Where to vote: Almost 40 voting locations throughout the state.

4) Rank choice voting will be used: Voters will mark their #1 and #2 choices.

5) Units should have voting places determined and registered with RPV by April 12 with an April 24 drop-dead date.

6) This vote will determine the Republican nominee for Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General.

7) The General Election will take place on November 2, 2021.

Delegate filing deadlines will be determined by individual units, and any applicable filing fees will be determined by RPV.



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