Saxman: Thanksgiving News Leftovers

By Chris Saxman

Nationally, we will see more Biden Administration appointments and nominations. Reminder – many will have to be confirmed by the Senate. #GeorgiaOnEveryone’sMind

Speaking of elections, the U.S. House has one race left to call as California 25 and Iowa 2 went to the GOP. The Iowa race was particularly close as the margin was just SIX VOTES. Democrats lead 222-212 with New York 22 showing the Democrat ahead by just 13 votes. I still don’t see how Nancy Pelosi retains her speakership if those who voted against her last time fail to support her again. Why would they? It’s political suicide.

The GOP picked up 14 seats for the upcoming 117th Congress. They are overwhelmingly female and/or minority candidates. Successful trends usually accelerate as they continue. #2022

Congressman Denver Riggleman is pulling no punches these days. I speak with him often (almost daily) and will be sharing with subscribers and our members what he is likely to do (and why) in an upcoming column. Current title – “The Curious Case of Denver Riggleman.”

There is no curiosity when it comes to the gubernatorial campaign of Senator Amanda Chase. Her recent charge that “Democrats hate white people” continues to embarrass the Commonwealth. Unfit Virginia PAC was founded by Mark Snesavage. The PAC’s Facebook page says :

After months of hard-work and deliberation, I decided to create a political action committee aimed at targeting Sen. Amanda Chase and her bid for Governor in 2021. Sen. Chase is the wrong candidate for the Republican Party in Virginia. Her outlandish statements, public disinformation, blatant racism, and her inability to legislate are all reasons why voters should reject her candidacy for Governor of Virginia. I hope you will join me in my quest to quash her bid for Governor. Please consider contributing in any way possible.  -Mark Snesavage

Snesavage’s Facebook page says he is the Chief of Staff to Republican Senator Bryce Reeves. #GrabYourPopcorn

Since we’re on candidates for governor who expect to get some push back from within their own party, let’s show our nonpartisanship and tell you that Democratic Delegate Lee Carter is considering a run.

In a brief interview, Carter said that he believes there is a path to victory for him and that he is considering jumping into the race. Carter is a self-proclaimed Democratic-Socialist. But if he were to officially run for Governor, it would be as a Democrat.

Real Clear Politics has a great Coronavirus Tracker by state and country. Sortable too. Check it out.

With cases spiking all across the country, please remember our front line health care workers during the holidays and pray the vaccines are distributed efficiently to the most vulnerable in our society.

Speaking of health care, the Wall Street Journal took the GOP to the woodshed in today’s lead editorial. The title – Can Republicans Regroup on Health Care? Sure, they can. But after 28 years of punting on first down, don’t expect a change.

The Richmond Times Dispatch has a good article on racial disparity relating to COVID. We really do need to understand the causes relating to the development of our co-morbidities that are not age specific. Here’s a CDC link on obesity and demographics. Follow the data. Diet and exercise matter.

Hill TV’s Rising co-host Krystal Ball – one of the most intellectually honest progressive journalists recently had this to say about Affirmative Action:

Notes from The Holiday Table:

Governor Ralph Northam is not well regarded among VMI alumni.

Jeep keeps a lot of mechanics in business, said the mechanic.

Popeye’s has a better chicken sandwich than Chick-fil-A, but Popeye’s customer service and wait times are horrid in comparison. In today’s busy drive thru world, Chick-fil-A wins – unanimously.

It takes a lot of work to make a turkey taste good, but it’s worth it. Excellent source of relatively inexpensive lean protein as well.

Online college AT college is … well … suboptimal. Higher Ed is facing a customer driven reckoning. Said one undergrad to half a dozen other undergrads who nodded in agreement, “I’m pretty sure I can get a better online education at a fraction of the cost. Or no cost. Right now, I am getting the grades, but not the education.” Imagine what would happen to Higher Ed if it wasn’t financed and people had to pay cash. #Innovation

The vaccines cannot get here fast enough. People are busting to get out and enjoy life again. The good news is that the most vulnerable in our society should see some relief before the end of the year. Or in other words, it’s going to be nice to hug our parents and grandparents without fear of causing their death.

I saw folks spend more time together talking versus scrolling on their phones.

Retail employees noticing a big drop in mall traffic with customers carrying smaller bags. Local Williams Sonoma store shipped out over 200 packages in one day. Roughly twenty an hour or one every three minutes.

Congrats to the Virginia Tech Hokies for beating #3 Villanova and to the University of Richmond Spiders for their defeat of #10 University of Kentucky. Virginia forgot to pass the ball in their loss to San Francisco managing only five assists. Wahoos jerseys had the word “Unity” on the back. #IronyForTheWin.

College basketball is back and doing quite well in the Commonwealth!

Vanderbilt football made history when they recruited a kicker off of the women’s soccer team. (They have no men’s soccer team. Ah.) Sarah Fuller became the first female to play in a Power 5 Conference game. A couple others have played for smaller teams and conferences in the past. Fuller even gave an inspiring half time talk. Good for her.

Vandy lost to Missouri 41-0 and then fired the coach.

Live from the Holiday Decision Desk comes this question – Do you buy now and plan for delivery before Christmas or bank the savings to kill the after holidays sales?

Well, we are down to our last bits of leftover turkey and while it sure does take a lot of work to make turkey taste good, it sure is worth it.

Chris Saxman represented the 20th District in the Virginia House of Delegates from 2002-10. A businessman and active member of the community, he is Executive Director of Virginia FREE, a non-partisan, non-profit that informs the business community in order to advance free enterprise and responsible, pro-business government. He and his wife Michele live in Richmond.

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