Roanoke GOP Legend Mildred Scott Endorses Jennifer Brown’s Reelection for 6th District Chair

Mildred Scott, Volunteer, Roanoke County Republican Committee

By Mildred Scott

Are you wondering why you’re receiving so many emails from Jennifer’s opponent’s surrogates attacking her? It’s because they know she’s the only one with a winning record for our Republican candidates.

They can’t speak positively about his record, because he doesn’t have one. In fact, in every race he’s run as a Republican, he’s lost.

They can’t boast his Second Amendment leadership, because he’s been known to give money to a candidate that is anti-gun.

They can’t say he’s pro-life when he’s admitted that he supports a woman’s right to choose.

Similar to Joe Biden, he has taken credit for ‘writing‘ a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution, that anyone can go to and find the model he ‘borrowed.

Her opponent promotes a pamphlet he’s edited on how to win locally when there were no Republican candidates recruited, supported or endorsed in the May elections
throughout Shenandoah County, including his own town where he sits on Council.

He has done nothing noteworthy while serving as Vice Chair of the 6th District besides vote with the majority on useless motions that do nothing to promote our candidates or party. In fact, he voted in favor to spend over $30,000 of the Committee’s funds to defend Scott Sayre and his indiscretions.

This money should have gone toward helping Republican candidates; instead, it went to an out-of-state law firm that was sued for overbilling its clients.  Chairman Brown should not have to create a separate PAC to raise funds for our candidates, just to keep the Committee from wasting our funds.

I am a lifelong Republican and have been a 6th District volunteer in many roles, as well as other areas throughout the Commonwealth, and I have to say that Jennifer is one of the hardest working chairs I’ve had the pleasure to work with.

On July 11th, the choice for me is clear.  If you want a leader that has proven results in helping Republicans win, then join me in re-electing Jennifer M. Brown for 6th District Chairman and vote for the entire Constitutional Conservatives ticket at the 6th District Convention.

Mildred Scott has been a long-time volunteer and caterer with the Roanoke County Republican Committee.

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