Crossing the Editor’s Desk: Phase 3 Reopening of Virginia Set for July 1, Warner Suggests Debates, More

It’s been a busy news day in Virginia so here’s an update at mid-afternoon….

Phase 3 Reopening Virginia: While emphasizing we’re all still safer at home, Governor Ralph Northam announced today that Phase 3 will be effective July 1, allowing social gatherings of up to 250 people, gyms and fitness centers allowed 75 percent capacity, overnight summer camps remain closed, swimming pools able to operate at up to 75 percent capacity, face covering still required for indoor public areas. Find more details from the Governor’s office here.

Virginia Primary today: Voters are going to the polls today to vote for a Republican U.S. Senate candidate to go up against Democratic incumbent U.S. Senator Mark Warner as well as other contests around the Commonwealth.

Warner challenges GOP nominee to three debates: Today’s winner of the Republican U.S. Senate primary has been challenged by Sen. Warner to discuss issues leading up to the November election, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Coronavirus response hearing with the Senate Judiciary Committee: A hearing took place from 11am-almost 5pm today on the Hill with America’s leading health directors: Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, Center for Disease Control and Protection; Dr. Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary, Dept. of Health and Human Services; and Dr. Stephen Hahn, Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration . They were in agreement that we will face significant infections of coronavirus in the fall and winter of 2020.

That’s just a tiny bit of the news popping out there today.

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