New Kent Youth Republicans to Host Senate Debate. Submit Your Questions!

I am always amazed by the outstanding programs and ideas that the New Kent Youth Republican Club (NKYRC) plans for the community. Now, they have gone above and beyond, shooting for the stars statewide with their next program.

RPV Chairman Jack Wilson’s opinion mirrors my own. Chairman Wilson said, “I am impressed with the enthusiasm and dedication of these young Republicans.  The Republican Party’s future is bright with this next generation of leaders getting engaged!”

I am especially happy to report the NKYRC is hosting a debate for the 2020 U.S. Senate Republican candidates. Alissa Baldwin, Daniel Gade, and Thomas Speciale have all confirmed their participation.

The debate will be held on June 10, 2020, via Facebook Live, on the NKYRC page and moderated by former Powhatan County Chairwoman and RPV National Committeewoman candidate Jean Gannon.

The club is reaching out to everyone in Virginia to solicit questions for the candidates.

The question period is open until June 3, 2020. ALL questions should be submitted to:  [email protected]. Please include your name and the county you live in.

These fantastic kids are proving that, even in the days of COVID-19 restrictions, there is still a meaningful way everyone can participate, and be engaged in, the 2020 political process.

So, if you have a question for the candidates send it in! Make sure to see the live debate on June 10, and help spread the message by sharing the debate information as widely as possible.

Hat tip to the next generation.

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