Remembering Rick Sincere On His Birthday

Today is Rick Sincere’s birthday but, sadly, he’s not here to celebrate. He passed away in November 2019.

A professional writer, editor, and talented on-air personality, Rick had contacts far and wide that were useful in his writing, and while producing and hosting Bearing Drift’s weekly radio show, “The Score.” What now will be his final edition of “The Score that was published Sunday is a perfect example of the extended network of contacts and friends that he enjoyed.

Rick’s list of journalistic accomplishments is long — author of two books, articles on foreign and domestic policy issues that appeared in the Roanoke Times, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Wall Street Journal, Washington Examiner, Washington Star, Washington Times, and numerous other publications.

As a journalist, he covered the 1996 Democratic National Convention, 1996 New Hampshire presidential primary, numerous Libertarian Party national conventions and state political conventions, and presidential and vice-presidential debates. He interviewed members of Congress, governors, state legislators, local elected officials, and political candidates.

Rick was a joy to work with, with a kindness that extended to everyone. We miss our friend, colleague, and talented member of the online political community.

Look here for Rick’s work on Bearing Drift.

Laurence Fredrick Ed Murphy astronomer


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